Despite a 70% change of rain tonight, organizers say they're planning to go ahead with tonight's 56th Annual Detroit Ford Fireworks on the Detroit River. Over one million people are expected to attend. 

- If the event is cancelled, Channel 4 will still provide "Fireworks" coverage...they'll show a tape of one of Monica Conyers City Council meetings. 


A new study finds that grumpy and negative people are more efficient at their jobs because they tend to focus on fewer things than positive people. 

- So "Grumpy" may not have "whistled on his way to work" like "Happy"...but he did a better job in the mine.  

- This is great ammo for anyone who gets called into the bosses office to day for having "a bad attitude". 


According to the National Enquirer, now that the big Kardashian wedding is over, Kim's step dad Bruce Jenner is going full speed ahead with his gender transformation. He was recently spotted with pouty lips, long hair in a pony tail, lady-length manicured nails, and his breasts appear to be growing. They say he's even picked out a new name for himself: Brigitte. 

- Just what we need...another woman in the Kardashian family. 

- Bruce's final act of gender transformation to be a true Kardashian will be the day he gets butt implants. 


A University in Florida will begin letting students "check out" drones from the Library next fall. The plan is to have students use the drones to take aerial photographs and video. 

- And deliver pizza to dorms. 

- And beer kegs to frat parties. 


Hugh Rosenthal, the grandson of one of the founders of legendary "Faygo" Soda Pop is suing the company for age discrimination. He claims he was fired at the age of 68 for no reason except than he was 68. 

- His termination letter read: "Remember when you were a kid? Well part of you still is! But the rest of you is too old to work here anymore!"


A new book claims that Hillary Clinton's health problems have been greatly downplayed and that she suffers from serious heart issues. 

- Republicans leaders were shocked...that she had a heart at all. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday! And don't forget to check out Podcast #125 featuring Jim "Casey Kasem" Ochs! Click here to listen
