Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander and his girlfriend Kate Upton have been caught up, along with Jennifer Lawrence, in the "Nude Celebrity Photo Hacking Scandal" that has rocked the country. Several "selfies" of the couple, in various states of undress have made their way onto the internet.
- After seeing the photos, every pitcher in the Major Leagues wants to be Justin's reliever.
It's "Back to School Day" 2014!
- Or as kids call it: "The worst day of my life".
- Or as their parents call it: "The best day of my life".
- Or as teachers call it: "Why didn't I become a Doctor instead of a Teacher? Day"
Joe Biden kicked off the Detroit Labor Day Parade yesterday.
- Who better to speak about hard work than somebody whose job description reads: "Put on a suit and do nothing".
On this day, September 2nd, in 1945, Japan formally surrendered to the U.S. and ended World War II.
- And we all live happily ever after. No wait...
- If you've ever been served bad sushi, you know they're not completely over it.
A new study claims that being skinny improves brain function.
- Which explains why so many supermodels have received Nobel Peace Prizes over the years.
A new al Qaeda manual is calling for a preemptive jihad against the United States.
- Luckily, like most guys, terrorists never read the manual.
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Wednesday! And don't forget to check out my latest Podcast (#134) with special guest, former "Purtan's Person" Tom Delisle! Just click here to download.