Obama happy. But not so happy at White House event Tuesday when he had a heckler removed saying, "You know what? Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. No, no, no, no. You are in my house. If you are eating the hors d'oeuvres, know what I'm sayin'? And drinking the booze?"
-Michelle Obama's mother sheepishly apologized and promised she'd never do it again.
Target and Sears have joined Wal-Mart in refusing to sell the Confederate Flag, and now a NY film critic is saying that "Gone With The Wind" is so racist, it should only be shown in museums.
- "The Wizard of Oz" is also under fire because only PART of it was in color.
Some kids in Indiana were caught selling salt, pepper and sugar to fellow students to try and add flavor to the bland Michelle Obama dictated school lunches.
- And you know what they say about salt...it's the gateway seasoning to garlic powder.
Doctors are warning women who wear skinny jeans not to squat for too long because it can cut off circulation to their lower extremities.
- They added that guys who wear skinny jeans can end up cutting off a lot more than just their circulation.
A Pennsylvania brewery is honoring former Penn State Football coach Joe Paterno with his own beer.
- And if you drink enough of it you won't be able to see anything...just like Joe.
There are multi reports that ISIS is now printing it's own currency.
- Why? It's not like it's members need to save for retirement.
A prison inmate says that the woman who helped two New York convicts escape had sex with them in a closet more than 100 times.
- Which begs the question: When did they find time to do all that drilling to break out of their cell?
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday!