Despite supporting Hillary during the campaign, and bashing The Donald, Elton John will give a concert at the Inauguration.

- Even if Elton wears his old duck costume it's still not gonna look as stupid as Aretha's inaugural Hat did. 


President-Elect Trump will NOT pursue charges against Hillary in the wake of the Email and Clinton Foundation Scandals, saying, in his opinion she's done a lot of great things. 

- Topping his list: Losing the election. 


Kim Jong Un sent a 9-page letter to Prez-Elect Trump demanding that the U.S. stop it's "hostile nuclear threats toward North Korea". 

- After he finished the letter to Trump, KJU got busy writing his wish-list letter to Santa Claus.


A study by the Daily Meal found that Mashed Potatoes are the most popular Thanksgiving side dish. 

- But because of the election, they noted that this year most people won't be eating the mashed potatoes... they'll be flinging them at each other. 


Kanye West is reportedly suffering from "temporary psychosis brought on by dehydration and exhaustion". 

- I hope he takes some time off to rest. Like say 10 or 20 years. 


Apple is reportedly considering moving iPhone production to the US. 

- Which means thousands of Chinese 5 year olds can go back to Kindergarten where they belong. 


The gown that Marilyn Monroe wore when she sang "Happy Birthday" to John F. Kennedy sold for $4.8 Million at auction. 

- In related news... Monica Lewinsky just announced she's got a new retirement plan. 


Well here's something to be Thankful for... A Japanese Scientist claims that eating Ice Cream for breakfast makes you "smarter" - with test subjects showing faster reaction times and better information processing capabilities.

- So basically DQ can increase your IQ. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here tomorrow... on Thanksgiving!
