Susan Sarandon says she's voting for Bernie Sanders because she doesn't vote with her, um, "lady parts".
- But apparently she votes with her "socialist parts".
Jeb Bush has officially dropped out of the Presidential race after losing big to Donald Trump in Nevada on Saturday. Despite bringing his Mother in to campaign for him - who famously said a couple years ago "We've already had too many Bushes in the White House.
- Proving once again...that you should always listen to your mother.
It's George Washington's Birthday... and if he were alive he'd be 274 years old.
- Put another way, just slightly older than Bernie Sanders.
Pat Sajak had a laughing fit on Friday night's episode of "Wheel of Fortune" when a contestant thought Paris was a country.
- She must have been confused when she saw Casablanca and thought Humphrey Bogart said "We'll Always Have France".
A new study warns that men who keep their cell phones in their pockets for just an hour a day are seriously damaging their reproductive parts, and even keeping your phone on your nightstand can be harmful.
- Especially if your girlfriend goes through your phone and sees what you've been watching.
A source close to the Kardashians says that despite her husband admitting he's $53 million in debt and claiming he's "more influential than Ghandi", Kim couldn't be prouder of Kanye.
- She's standing behind her man... And that is one gigantic behind.
This Friday is the 29th Annual Salvation Army Bed & Bread Club Radiothon...this is THE Fundraiser for this amazing program that feeds and shelters almost 5000 people A DAY. Gail and I are donating $30,000 and are asking you to donate what you can so we can turn that $30,000 into $60,000. You can do that right now by texting PURTAN to 41444 and following the prompts on your smartphone! It's quick, easy and so much appreciated!
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday!