Kelly Ripa revealed on the air that her wedding dress still fits 20 years later...
- ...and so does the Pink Slip Michael Strahan gave her.
Following her huge wins in the Tuesday Primaries, Hillary is on the verge of making history as the first female Presidential Nominee of a major political party.
- That would give a major break to the Secret Service, who won't have to follow her because she'll have that ankle bracelet on.
Ted Cruz announced yesterday that Carly Fiorina would be his pick for V.P.
- Donald Trump responded in his usual sensitive way, "Would anybody vote for that face?"
A San Diego woman and her cat are sailing around the world in a 40 foot boat.
- Her dog refused to go along because he doesn't know how to Doggy Paddle.
ISIS has reportedly opened a "Relationship Counseling" Center in an effort to stop brides from leaving their soldier husbands.
- Their slogan is: Things Will Get Better...Don't Lose Your Head Over Him.
- They say it's a great way to keep couples from blowing up at each other.
Tiger outfielder Tyler Collins gave the fans the finger after they booed him for misplaying a ball.
- If I was at the game, I wouldn't have booed him, I would have booed the guy responsible for the beer prices.
Have a great day and I'll see you back her Friday!