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Welcome to the weekend and Podcast #199... Pull up a chair at the Purtan Dining Room Table and join Jackie and me as we tackle topics including: 

- My upcoming Birthday - and the seating arrangements that I, as the Birthday Boy, have requested for the big family celebration. 

- Insomnia... and how to not lose sleep over it. 

- How modern technology led to a change in one of the Marines in the famous WWII Iwo Jima Flag Raising Photo. 

- The recent and sudden passing of the smartest, funniest man I have ever known. 


- Remembrances of two people important in my Dad's "mysterious" life... Toots Dentino and Breezy Persant. 

So grab yourself a tall cold one (or a lukewarm short one if you prefer) and tune into Podcast #199. Unlike that can or bottle... you don't need to recycle us. 

Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here Monday!
