America is still reeling from the news that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. 

- But they'll still be together... As soon as the divorce is final, she's going to adopt him.

- You hear this kind of devastating news and it really puts the whole ISIS thing in perspective. 


Singer Adele was so shaken up by news of the Jolie/Pitt break-up that she dedicated her concert to them last night at Madison Square Garden.

- HELLO???


It's been reported that Bill Clinton  made $260,000 for a speech to the National Fragrance Foundation that lasted less than an hour. 

- It's inspired a new perfume... "Chanel No. 260,000". 


The Russian Government has revealed that they plan on sending a man to the moon by 2030. 

- Which would be amazing news if this was 1969.


Rapper Shawty Lo has died at the age of 40, leaving behind 11 children and 10 baby mamas. 

- He sure produced a lot more kids than he did hit songs. 

- Apparently he didn't come up "Shawty" in the bedroom. 


O.J. Simpson prosecutor Chris Darden told Entertainment Tonight that he and co-counselor Marcia Clark were "more than just friends" DURING THE TRIAL. 

- He said their personalities fit together perfectly... you know, like hand-in-glove. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Thursday!
