Today is "National Brothers & Sisters Day". Or as it's known around the Purtan household... "Sister's Day".
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg toured a Michigan Ford Plant the other day.
- Apparently he was impressed because he gave the F-150 the coveted "Likes" thumbs up.
President Trump says that if he were a teacher, the media would get a big fat failing grade for their coverage of his first 100 days.
- Kids everywhere would LOVE for Trump to be a teacher because their 5 paragraph essays would only have to be 140 characters long.
Fox News President Bill Shine abruptly resigned on Monday, sending shockwaves through the network.
- He left some big Lawsuits to fill.
A dog in the U.K. has undergone gender reassignment surgery after vets discovered she had both male and female private parts.
- Look for the new reality show "This Is Nuts! Turns Out My Dog Is A Boy!"
Bill Cosby says he misses performing and he's hoping to go on tour when his trial is over.
- Tickets will be reasonably priced and every woman gets a Free Cocktail.
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Wednesday!