It's June 14th... FLAG DAY! And also my oldest daughter Jennifer's Birthday! Happy Birthday to the First of the Six J's!


Donald Trump turns 71 today...

- 71 is also the number of Tweets he'll send out today wishing himself a Happy Birthday. 


Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein wants an independant probe into Loretta Lynch's handling of the Hillary Clinton Investigation. 

- Can you say CAT FIGHT???  


Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is taking a leave of absence. 

- His replacement will be arriving in 7 minutes in a blue Ford Focus. 


A Rasumussen Poll found that 62% of Americans believe in Life after Death. 

- But only 43% believe in life after the Trump-Comey Death Match. 


A Stanford study found that people are 25% more likely to choose vegetables when they're given seductive names. 

- Because nothing is sexier than "Deep-Fried Kale". 


ABC is reviving "Roseanne" to tackle the Trump presidency. 

- And next Fall, CBS will revive "The Big Bang Theory" to tackle the Clinton presidency. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Thursday! 
