A survey by the Wall Street Journal found that a growing number of retirees are attending “Sleep Away Camps” that offer canoeing, aerobics and archery.
- One Retiree said “it was great” …until no one showed up for parents weekend.
Airlines are closer to adopting “SkyRider Seats” where passengers sit on a cushioned “saddle” with their Legs and feet dangling off the sides - like riding a horse.
- Just when you thought airline seats couldn’t get any more uncomfortable…
- Instead of announcing “Prepare for Take-off” the pilot just yells “Giddy-Up!”
Joy Behar and Meghan McCain got into a shouting match on “The View” Wednesday with McCain calling Behar a “B***h” after Behar said Trump supporters hate “Black people and Immigrants”.
- I wish Joy and Meghan would make like Thelma and Louise and drive over a cliff.
Experts say the World’s Population will stop growing by the beginning of 2100.
- You mean the world’s NOT gonna end in 12 years like AOC said???
Lindsay Lohan lashed out at the NY Post after they reported that the Beach Resort she owns is closing -saying she did it so she can concentrate on opening “Lindsayland” resort in Dubai.
- Lindsayland will feature a roller coaster called “Spaced Out Mountain” and an Open Bar.
- Wow. This makes Micheal Jackson’s “Neverland” seem almost normal.
According to a new poll, nearly 40% of 18-24 year olds say they haven’t applied deodorant or antiperspirant in the last month.
- Which isn’t as bad as it sounds since they rarely do anything that makes them work up a sweat.
Mick Jagger is back to performing after heart surgery earlier this year, but an insider claims he has three doctors traveling with him at all times and he wears a heart monitor while on stage.
- If he needs a defribulator Mick is supposed to yell, “START ME UP!”
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!