
RIP… Ron Popeil, the father of the infomercial and creator of the Pocket Fisherman, Hair in a Can and the “Set it and Forget it” Rotisserie has died at 86.

- Popeil was said to be a firm believer in the afterlife. In fact his last words were… “But wait! There’s more!”


Citing a fuel shortage, American Airlines is asking it’s pilots to “Conserve Fuel”.

- Which begs the question: When is the best time to conserve fuel?? I’m assuming it’s not during Take-Off.


Speaking at an event yesterday, President Biden raised eyebrows by claiming that he “Used to drive an 18-wheeler” despite the White House admitting that there’s “No evidence” he’s ever driven a big rig.

- In his defense, the Prez may have confused the Truck with the School Bus he DID once drive for a summer job. Who among us hasn’t sung, “The 18-Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round… Round and Round… Round and Round… “


Although the Govenemrnt in New Zealand hasn’t confirmed this, some Women are claiming that the Pfizer vaccine made their chests grow larger - by up to two cup sizes.

- Well, that explains why it requires two shots.


The New Lamborghini “Huracan” has an Amazon Alexa in the dashboard.

- Just what I need… ANOTHER woman in the car telling me I’m driving too fast.

- So instead of fumbling with the radio dials, you can keep your hands where there supposed to be… on your phone texting.


A Louisianna man is getting national attention for his attempt to turn his neighborhood into a “Trailer Park for Swingers” by posting a sign at the entrance that reads, “Bring Your House and Share Your Spouse!!”

- We’ve come a long way from the days when a visit from the “Welcome Wagon” or your neighbor meant a Tupperware container full of homemade cookies.


Very proud of my 9 year old Grandson Brayden - son of my late daughter Julie, who we lost suddenly back in June. At his soccer game last night, Brayden scored FIVE of his winning teams 7 goals!!! Who needs the Olympics when we’ve got Brayden?!?!


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
