Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti was sentenced to 14 years in prison for dodging taxes and stealing millions of $$$ from his clients… just 2 years after some in the media were pushing for him to run for President.
- Avenatti’s still gonna run… away from a cellblock full of guys named “Bubba”.
New York is poised to become the sixth state to legalize ‘human composting’ — where people pay $7,000 to be turned into “Soil” after they die that can be used by their families to start a garden.
- So now, even when Grandma’s GONE parents can still say to their kids… “Over the River and Though the Woods… to Grandma’s House We Go!”
CNN’s Don Lemon says he hopes to see ABC anchor’s TJ Holmes and Amy Robach - who have been suspended for having an affair - so he can “Give ‘em a hug”… saying we shouldn’t judge people in these situations “until we know what all the facts are”.
- You know… kind of like Don did during the whole Jussie Smollett hoax thing.
The Washington Post slammed Discovery Channel’s "Shark Week” for featuring too many White men as “Shark Experts” and repeatedly broadcasting "negative messages" about Sharks. The Post’s conclusion?? The show is “Racist”.
- What’s next? Separate Aquarium bathrooms for Rainbow Trout??
American Girl… makers of a popular line of dolls… is facing intense backlash after they published a “Guide for Girls” age 3 to 12 with advice on taking puberty blockers and other ways to alter their gender.
- Things used to be so simple… Dolls for girls. Action figures for boys. Now it looks like we’ll all be getting coupons for stuff like “G.I. Joe’s Foxhole-Ready Eyeshadow/Lipstick Combo Kit”.
According to new research, some COVID-19 infections are causing liver damage lasting months after diagnosis.
- Dr. Fauci says it’s possible to minimize the damage, but the hard part is getting the mask to stay on your liver.
RIP… The over 2400 men who were killed at Pearl Harbor on this date, December 7, 1941.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!