USA TODAY announced its “Women of the Year,” and one of their winners was the Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, Rachel Levine, a biological man.

- Some found the move controvercial, but apparently, She’s the whole package.


The Senate on Tuesday approved a proposal to make Daylight Saving Time permanent… If it’s passed by the House and signed by President Biden, we’ll never have to turn our clocks back an hour in the Fall again.

- Well… It’s about Time!


Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend, SNL cast member Pete Davidson will head into Space on Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Rocket next Wednesday.

- Makes sense. When you’re dating a Kardashian, you have to get CREATIVE if you want to “Go where no man has gone before”!!!


A woman in New York City is accused of holding a date she met online hostage, torturing him, and demanding $100,000 for his release.

- And to think my Mother grounded me once when she overheard me ask one of my dates if we could go “Dutch”.


A Dentist in Wisconsin is facing Prison time for drilling holes in his patients healthy teeth so they would break and he could charge them exorbitant fees to put in Crowns.

- This is the biggest financial rip-off involving Crowns since Prince Andrew got the Queen to pay $$$ for his Sexual Harassment lawsuit.


An American astronaut WILL get a ride home from a Russian Spacecraft despite Russia threatening to leave the only American on the International Space Station stranded in Space while bringing the two Cosmonauts home.

- But the American will have to ride in the backseat… because one Russian is driving and the other Russian will be in the front passenger seat because he called “Shotgun”.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
