The 36th Annual Salvation Army Bed & Bread Club Radiothon happens TOMMOROW, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH and can be heard LIVE on AM 760 WJR!!! This Is THE FUNDRAISER for this vital program that Feeds 3500 Men, Women and Children on the streets in and around Detroit 365 DAY A YEAR off the mobile Bed & Bread Trucks. And it provides a warm place for 200+ people to sleep each night! That comes out to nearly 1.3 million meals and more than 72,000 nights of safe shelter each year! But you can even get a head start by donating TODAY starting at 4pm!!!

We started the Radiothon back in 1987 with the hopes of giving something back to the community. That first year… we raised $15,000 in 4 hours and we were thrilled! This year… our goal is $1.8 MILLION - and with your continued support, I know we can do it!

You can donate two ways: Just call 833-SAL-HOPE (833) 725-4673 or text the word BREAD to 24365. You can even do it NOW! As they say… “Operators are standing by!”

The last several years have been a challenge for us all… none more so than those struggling just to get themselves and their families through another day in this especially cold, snowy and icy winter. That’s why the Salvation Army’s Bed & Bread Feeding and Sheltering Program is needed NOW more than EVER. The Bed & Bread Trucks are out delivering nutritious meals and hot beverages daily - no matter what the weather.

They say “Charity begins at home”… and with the Bed & Bread Club, every penny of every dollar you give goes straight to the people in need - in our own community. If you can find it in your heart - and your pocketbook - to donate to this most worthy of causes (and one that is so dear to my heart!) - it would be so appreciated.

A $120 donation feeds five people for nearly a month and designates you a member of the Bed & Bread® Club.

A $240 donation feeds ten people for nearly a month and solidifies you as a Double Bed & Bread® Club Member. You will also receive a limited-edition Bed & Bread Club® Radiothon 43" telescopic folding umbrella as a thank you gift.

At $255 or more you will receive the umbrella AND an umbrella will be donated to someone in need!

Hunger and homelessness do not take a day off, nor does The Bed & Bread® Club.

Jackie and I will on the air with Guy Gordon from 4pm to 7pm tomorrow night (Friday) as we wrap up the Radiothon. I hope you’ll tune in and give whatever you can!

After 45 years on the air here, I know one thing for sure: Detroiter’s take care of each other. It’s what makes me so proud of this city… and so proud of the Bed & Bed Program!!


PS… You can watch a livestream of the Radiothon starting tomorrow morning (Friday) at 6am and running right up until we announce the total at 7pm by going to! Thank you!