Reigning "Jeopardy!" champ James Holzhauer who has won over $1.3 MILLION in the last few weeks - beat the runner up last night by just 18 Bucks.
- Well, obviously James is not as smart as we thought he was.
According to a new report, Michael Moore - who says Capitalism is evil - is currently worth $50 MILLION.
- Actually he’s only worth $47 MILLION if you take out the $3 MIL a year he spends on Pizza.
- I always thought the “S” on his Green Cap stood for Michigan State but apparently it stands for “Sausage”.
Delta Airlines is testing out new coach seats that recline even LESS than the current ones do.
- It’s just in time for their new ad campaign “You’ll Hate To Fly and It Shows!”
Beto O’Rourke says the world is going to end in TEN YEARS if we don’t take action against Climate Change… TWO YEARS EARLIER than the prediction make by Alexandria Ortega-Cortez.
- He makes AOC sound like an Optimist!
An appeals court has denied Bill Cosby's latest request to leave prison on bail while he fights his sex-assault conviction.
- So for now it looks like the Coz will be stuck in his CELL-O.
Chase Bank has apologized for sending out a tweet to customers that suggested ways to save money like making coffee at home and eating food from the fridge instead of going out. Some said it was “Poor Shaming”.
- In my day we called that “Good Advice”.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!