There were two over the weekend! First of all, despite minister Harold Campings prediction (again), the World did not come to an end on Friday… and we’re still here! Secondly, the MSU Spartans took down the favored Wisconsin Badgers in a last second “Hail Mary” pass - ending their unbeaten streak!
Go Green! Go White! Go ahead and pay your mortgage since it appears the world will continue for a while!
Today on we talk about those stories, plus pictures show Gadhafi looked better dead than alive. And it turns out, as hard to believe as it is, he’d been wearing a hair piece for years! (Bought it from “Omar The Toupee Maker”). Also… despite all the 3D Boob hype, tickets sales for “The Three Muskateers” sagged at movie ticket booths across the country this weekend!
Big news: Look for a brand new “Best of Purtan” CD coming soon, in time for the Holidays! Details forthcoming…
And don’t forget to check out my latest Podcast (#15) with special guest stars Wendell Ledbetter and The Story Lady!
Have a great Monday… and I’ll see you over at