The NFL has chosen the new open-air Meadowlands stadium in New York/New Jersey for the 2014 Superbowl game which of course is played in February. Did you notice we said OPEN AIR…
- I guess they’re hoping Global Warming kicks in by then.
Miss America has been rescued from cable TV! Starting next year, the pageant will be aired on ABC-TV, Channel 7.
- ABC’s plan is to get rid of the judges and have the women parade around in front of a bachelor who will pick out his favorite. Then instead of a crown, he’ll give her a rose.
- CBS was turned down because they wanted Charlie Sheen to be the only judge.
- Spike TV was axed – they wanted the swimsuit competition held in a pool of Jell-O.
And now here’s Big Al with a few thoughts…
Thanks Dick and hello everyone… Well, could we say goodbye two more polar opposite Detroit personalities on Tuesday? Kwame Kilpatrick and Steve Yzermen. But only one of these guys has been skating on thin ice.
Ironically on Tuesday both Kwame and Steve both got 5 years! Kwame in the slammer (the penalty box, if you will) and “The Captain” signed for 5 years as the new General Manager for the Tampa Bay Lightening. (Kwame probably feels like he was just hit by lightening!)
It’s hot and humid where Stevie Y is going. And we all know one day Kwame is going to head south to a REALLY hot place. You can stick a pitchfork in him Devil, he’s done!
Steve Yzerman signed for millions with Tampa Bay that he deserves and Kwame Kilpatrick took us for millions that he didn’t.
Steve Yzerman was a prolific scorer with a little black puck. Kwame Kilpatrick was always looking up who to text next from his little black book.
Steve Yzerman is in the Hall of Fame and Kwame Kilpatrick is in the Hall of Shame. (thank you Fox 2)
As a leader, Steve Yzerman took the Red Wings to the Promised Land. As a leader, Kwame Kilpatrick broke his promises.
Steve Yzerman is heading to a team that needs rebuilding. Kwame Kilpatrick tore us down and left us in a shambles.
Steve Yzerman worked hard to get into the record books. Kwame Kilpatrick got the book thrown at him.
So on Tuesday we said goodbye two big public figures that both cast giant shadows. One positive on the city of Detroit, the other negative. And if I had my way, I’d love to see both Stevie and Kwame together at the Joe Louis Fist. First “The Fist” would unfurl and extend its hand in congratulations to “The Captain” on a job well done. Then in a perfect world “The Fist” would swing back and slap Kwame into the next county.
Good luck Stevie! Good riddance Kwame! And goodbye for now from your friend Big Al!