First of all, thanks for your heartfelt and insightful comments on Facebook yesterday regarding the site of the proposed Mosque only two blocks from Ground Zero.  The issue has obviously struck a nerve.  This is not in any way a religious issue, it’s a geographical issue.  After all, part of one of the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers landed on the roof of the building currently standing on the proposed lot.  As they say in real estate, it’s “Location.  Location.  Location.”  While the Iman who came up with the idea certainly has a right to build what he wants on his property, common sense and compassion for all who were affected by the horrific events of 9/11 would surely dictate that another location would be best for all concerned.

And now on with the news…

Arts, Beats & Packing Heats

Gun owners will be allowed to openly carry their weapons at next month’s Ford Arts, Beats, & Eats Festival in downtown Royal Oak.  Officials lifted the ban after hours of public discussion – with many fearing that mixing firearms with alcohol is not a good idea.

They always have alcohol at the festival – let’s hope this year no one ends up doing shots.

How much you wanna bet the men are going to ask their wives to carry the gun in their purse along with their wallet and keys?

I can hear it now:  “Is that a handgun in your fanny pack or are you just happy to see me?”

Gun supporters say it won’t really change the festival – although this year they’ll be putting on a special show for the kids:  “Goldi-Glocks and the Three Bears.”

NOTE:  For a funny and interesting commentary on the controversy, go to Royal Oak to allow guns at Ford Arts, Beats & Eats festival | | Detroit Free 

They Could Of At Least Used Whipped Cream!

Michigan’s own Senator Carl Levin got “Soupy Sales-ed” yesterday.  He was answering questions about his stance on foreign policy at a Deli in Big Rapids when a woman came up from behind and smashed an apple pie in his face.  Levin cleaned up and continued taking questions. 

The most amazing part… his glasses never moved off the tip of his nose.

Protesting the government… why, that’s as American as Apple Pie!

What a Twit!

Kevin Kristopik of Bloomfield Township had to change his phone number because of a weird connection with Justin Bieber.  Kevin got Bieber’s personal number through a friend and texted him repeatedly. Bieber took revenge by posting Kevin’s 248 area code and phone number on his official page and encouraged his more that 4.5 million Twitter fans to send texts to Kevin.  More than 26,000 of them did.  Kevin’s dad said his son is a fan of Biebers and hasn’t decided on a punishment yet. 

I think the fact that now Kevin’s guy friends know he’s a Justin Bieber fan is going to be punishment enough!

Traveling Can Be a Bear!

A poll of 6,000 British adults found that more than half still have a teddy bear from childhood.  It all started when a motel chain reunited over 75,000 lost Teddy Bears with their owners – and found that many were not children.  The adult owners said they find sleeping with their stuffed animal “comforting” and 25% said that “Teddy” reminds them of home.

I thought men in hotels usually sleep with someone WEARING a Teddy?

Big Al says he takes his childhood stuffed rabbit with him whenever he travels.  He named it after himself:  “Mr. Floppy”.

For Those Tired of Going Han “Solo”…

Over the weekend, Orlando hosted the “Star Wars Celebration V” convention – and for the first time, this year’s event featured “Star Wars Speed Dating”.  Participants dressed as Jedi’s, storm troopers and Princess Leia had just three minutes to talk to each other before moving on.

One guy dressed as Han Solo admitted he just did it in an attempt to “get a little wookie”.

The guy most girls wanted to see again?   The one with the biggest light saber.

Big Al attended the session but didn’t have much luck… I told him not to go with the “Jabba the Hut” costume.

It’s A Miracle!

Mel Gibson lost control of his $180,000 Maserati in Malibu, California Sunday night and smashed into a rocky wall.  Luckily he wasn’t hurt and amazingly enough police say he was NOT intoxicated at the time.

So obviously there’s some guy driving around Malibu in a Maserati impersonating Mel Gibson.

And Speaking of Cars…

On this day in 1896, the first pedestrian ever killed by a car was run down in Croyden, England.  The car was only going four miles per hour. 

Ironically, the car was driven by George Michael’s great-great-grand father.

The first thing the victim’s family did?  “They Called Sam’s great-great grand father”. 

Turned out the driver was strung out on COKE-a-Cola at the time. 


Have a great Tuesday… See you back here tomorrow!

- Dick 












