It’s Friday… And not just any Friday, the one after the Tiger’s took down the Yankees in a dramatic 3-2 win at Yankee Stadium last night. Now it’s on to Texas! Game one Saturday night!
In today’s Podcast we talk to Tiger Manager Jim Leyland (a la Big Al) along with a full line-up of other big names including the Queen of England, Rush Limbaugh, and even Jack Stewart who shares his feelings about DWTS and Glee, and catches us up on the state of his synchronized swim team. Plus, I’ll tell you which Hollywood actor has his movies boycotted more than any other because of his personal political beliefs. Ready for more?
I’ll also reveal a “secret” if you will - something I’ve been working on that I hope will make your holiday shopping a little easier…
And now, as the waiters and waitresses always say… Enjoy!
Purtan Podcast #12: 10/7/10 (24min. 47sec.)