Mitt Romney is using President Obama’s passion for golf against him. The Romney campaign has set up a website called that notes Obama has played 1,584 holes since taking office. The site quotes Obama as saying he “would not rest” until every Amerian can find a job, and is asking for $18 donations - a dollar per hole on a typical golf course - to help send Obama on a “permanent vacation”. 

- Herman Cain is considering jumping back in the race on the “Back 9-9-9” platform. 

- In response, Obama is switching to Putt-Putt, so he can play golf and have more time to create jobs! 

- In his defense, Obama says his golfing has created a lot of “shovel ready jobs”… of course they’re really tiny shovels used to replace his divets. 

- So basically Romeny is using golf to handicap Obama’s candidacy.  
