Science has proven what many long suspected: women are attracted to guys who won’t commit. 47 University of Virginia undergrads were shown random photos of men and told that those men had seen the girl’s facebook pages and rated how much they liked them. Women were least attracted to men they thought had rated them as only average. They were more attracted to men who they thought had rated them as very attractive. But most attractive of all to the women were the third group of men: Those whose feelings about them were not revealed so the women didn’t know whether the men liked them or not. It supports the notion that if you want to attract a woman, play hard to get and don’t let her know how you feel about her.
- So guys the best way to keep a woman interested in you, is to “forget” Valentine’s Day. She’ll be so interested in you that you’ll never hear the end of it!
- And don’t try to get her to “Tweet” you on the first date!
- To be honest, none of the girls used their real pictures on Facebook so the guys opinions were pretty much moot.