It’s St. Patrick’s Day… And I can’t help but remember a call I used to get every year on this day from a man who called himself “Patio Furniture”…
He would call while I was on the air and ask, “Why are there only two hundred and thirty-nine beans in Irish Bean Soup?” The answer, of course… “Because one more would be two-farty!”
And here’s one I just heard…
A ventriloquist is telling Irish jokes in Davy Bynes’ Pub on Grafton Street in Dublin, when O’Leary - an irate Irishman - stands up shouting, “You’re
making out were all dumb and stupid!” The ventriloquist says, “Well, I’m sorry sir I…” and O’Leary says, “Not you! I’m talkin’ to the little fella on your knee!”