Hi, it’s me…Your Roy-“Al” Highness, and I’ll be at a “Castle” tomorrow morning as “the Queen” and at a wedding no less!  Let the humiliation for me continue!  Marquisa Benford, 34, a mother of seven, and Donahvan Gray, 21, both of Detroit, wanted to be wed on the same day as Will & Kate.  Well, they entered and won a contest to tie the knot at the White Castle restaurant at 12 Mile and Dequindre in Warren. The couple, who own a tattoo business, met at White Castle in May 2009 and eat there almost every day.  White Castle is providing a free reception for 20 guests.  The ceremony commences at 10:30 Friday morning and I’ll be eating sliders at 10:31.  Yes, sliders, tattoos and me in drag - ain’t life grand! Hope to see you there!  Ta ta for now! 

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