Peter Falk died last Friday at the age of 83 of Alzheimer’s Disease. Two things:
One… I think the movie “The In-Laws”, starring Peter Falk and Alan Arkin is one of the funniest movies of all time! And two… Back during the hey-day of “Columbo” a listener called me on the air one day and asked me what kind of car Columbo drove. I didn’t know, so I waited until 10am (7am Hollywood time) and called out to Universal Studios and they connected me to the Columbo offices. And who picked up the phone? None other than Peter Falk himself. He was as polite in person as he always was on the show as Columbo with all of his “Sirs”, “Yes, m’am’s” and “I beg your pardons”. A true gentlemen. He seemed thrilled in our interest in the car, and told me that he (Columbo)
drove a French Peugeot that he (Peter) had actually picked out himself at a used car lot in LA. I Just wish I had had the chance to say to him… “Just one more thing…”
Below is a a scene from the show that sort of sums up “The Columbo Style”. Enjoy.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!