A University of Texas study found that drinking diet pop does not help you lose weight. They followed 474 people over 9 and 1/2 years and while everyone gained weight, diet soda pop drinkers’ waistlines increased a whopping 70% more than non-diet soda pop slurpers. Those who drank two or more diet pops a day saw their waists expand at five times the rate of non-drinkers.
Researchers believe artificial sweetners may “trick the brain” and that people might be better off just drinking full-calorie pop in moderation instead.
- Now all we have to do is teach every American the definition of the word “Moderation”.
- The problem isn’t the diet pop you order, it’s the six words that usually follow it: “Do You Want Fries With That?”
- It’s true! Fashion models are known to do regular “coke” all the time and they’re thin as rails!