President Obama is headed to Martha’s Vineyard to vacation for the rest of August, but a senior administration official promised that after Labor Day, Obama will give a “major speech” unveiling a new plan “for speeding up job growth and helping the struggling poor and middle class.” The official said all the ideas will be fresh ones that really help the long-term unemployed , and “not a rehash of plans he has pitched for many weeks and still supports”. Republicans say if the ideas are so great he should share them now - but one Democratic strategist said that every markerter knows you don’t roll out a new product in the summer.
- Actually, Obama was going to wait to announce his plans til after his summer vacation in 2013 but aides thought that might not fly.
- Hey… what’s another couple weeks to the thousands of Americans who have been “on vacation” for years ever since they lost their jobs?
- I can just hear the crowds chanting… “We want jobs! When do we want them? When the President gets back from vacation!”