“SpongeBob Squarepants” might not be good for small children’s brains.  A University of Virginia professor showed 20 randomly chosen 4-year-olds a 9 min. “SpongeBob” cartoon, while other kids drew or watched a slow-paced PBS cartoon. Immediately afterward, the “SpongeBob” viewers did much worse on mental tests, had shorter attention spans and went for snacks much sooner than the other kids.  Apparently age 4 is when the brain starts to develop self-control, and if just 9 min. of “SpongeBob” makes such a difference, a full 22 minute episode could be even more detrimental to young kids’ brains. 

- To say nothing of the parents who completely lose their minds after watching the same episodes two thousand times.  Same goes for “Dora the Explorer”, “Bob the Builder”, “Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl”, et al…

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