Two new audits found that a lot of taxpayer money is going to dead people. In New York City, $11.8 million has been paid out in recent years for rent subsidies to people who are dead. Apparently their landlords and families took the cash.
- “Crooked Landlords and Greedy Relatives”? Sounds like a new reality show… and I guess that’s what it is!
- Bruce Willis has already been signed to star in the new movie, “We Pay Dead People”.
Meanwhile in Washington, the Office of Personnel Management launched an investigation after an inpector discovered that they’d paid $601 million in retirement benefits to dead people.
- And amazingly, all of those dead people invested the money in Gold!
- So maybe those much hyped Obamacare “Death Seminars” were actually designed to help you manage your money once you get whereever it is your going.
- The good news is, if we can just hang in there until we die, we’ll all be financially secure!