Sugar Bowl: Michigan wins by 3! Iowa Caucus: Romney wins by 8!
Rick Santorum comes in second and Ron Paul took third.
- Herman Cain told reporters that if he’d stayed in the election he would have won by 9-9-9 votes!
- Exit polls showed that caucus voters aren’t that enamored with Ron Paul’s policies, but they just love his wife’s fish sticks!
Newt Gingrich came in 4th with 13% and Rick Perry took 5th with 10%. Perry told supporters he would head back to his home state of Texas to assess his future.
- Which includes three things: Whether or not to continue his campaign, how his family feels about it, and… um… um… oops!
Michele Bachman came is sixth with just 5% of the vote and has suspended her campaign but insists that “there are many more chapters yet to be written.”
- And they’ll all be in the book she’ll soon be promoting about her failed run for the Presidency.