Welcome to another weekend…and if you believe the Mayans, it could be one of our last! So with the “End of the World” rapidly approaching on December 21st, Jackie and I, along with our special guest and former “Purtan’s Person” Tom DeLisle, decided to address some really deep and meaningful topics in my latest Podcast (#66). 

And what could be more “deep and meaningful” than Monica Conyers’ impending release from the slammer and move into a Half-Way House? We also try to “Keep Up With The Kilpatricks” - including the fact that Kwame’s Dad and fellow defendant spent 85 grand (of who knows whose money) on Lotto tickets he bought at a local liquor store. (And some people say the city needs an emergency manager???) 

I’ll also tell you about a new Special Edition magazine dedicated entirely to the incredible Gordie Howe - and Tom shares a story about a “cup” (and we’re not talking Stanley here) that he wore just in time to save his, um, family jewels at a hockey game.

Speaking of “Royal Jewels” we’ll dish out the latest on Kate Middleton’s morning sickness, and the the little bundle of future King or Queen of England she’s carrying - and we’ll tell why England’s Boy George told an arena full of Detroit concert goers that “Dick Purtan can kiss my ass!” 

To top it all off…Jackie, MY DAUGHTER,  tries to explain why every woman AND MAN should read “Fifty Shades of Grey”.  

So stop worrying about the Apocalypse for a few minutes, sit back and spend some time catching up with what’s going on. It’ll come in handy just in case the Mayans were wrong! 

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here with our regular blog on Monday! 


Purtan Podcast #66

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