Welcome to a Make-or-Break Weekend for the Tigers and a Brand New Podcast (#97)!

Jackie, our special guest & former "Purtan's Person" Tom Delisle and I recorded this
 "Podisode" just hours before the Tigs hit the field and lost Game 5 to the Bosox. Thus, we won't be discussing the loss - but we do run the bases when it comes to other topics! 

From inside Purtan family info (I reveal which of my six daughters was, shall we say, "very affectionate" at the age of 7)....to inside Kennedy family info (The Kennedy men were "very affectionate" at every age - okay, that's not exactly "inside info"...) But Tom was good friends with America's Royal Family and spent a lot of time vacationing with them at Hyannis Port.

He'll tell us about the time he "accidentally stole" a towel with a rather impressive monogram on it from the "Kennedy Compound", how he nearly died when Ethel's Kennedy's overloaded boat capsized, and he'll recount a remarkable verbal exchange between John F. Kennedy Jr. and his Uncle Ted. You have to hear it to believe it!   

We also talk about the rather embarrassing thing I do while swimming (it's not what you're thinking!) and Jackie explain's why, at her tender age, she still wants one of those "Walk-In Bathtubs".  

And despite not knowing the outcome of Game 5, we do talk baseball, including the astronomical amount Prince Fielder earns for every pitch thrown to him, and the whole "Bosox Beard" thing. (One word: Yuck!) 

Plus...we reminisce about the softballs games we used to play against the musical groups appearing at Pine Knob...including Chicago and John Denver. (Trust me, they were no Saturday in the Park!) and there's lots of other good stuff too. 

So put on your Tiger jersey, sit back and get ready to "Play Ball!" with Podcast #97! 

Have a great weekend, I'll see you back here Monday, and GO TIGERS!!!!! 
