Welcome to the weekend and a shiny new Podcast - #84! In this go-around, I’m joined by the usual suspects - my wife Gail and my daughter Jackie. And there’s no better way for a guy to start a discussion with two “chicks” then by bringing up a new study that found that in the last 50 years, American women have become more overweight than at any other time in the country’s history. (Good move, Dick!) I’ll explain the scientific theory and the ladies “weigh in”, if you will, will their own opinions. 

Speaking of weight…Jackie shares her story about joining a gym - and in her enthusiasm to “get in shape” - stepping into an Extreme “Zoomba” dance class without so much as a single step on the treadmill. You’ll find out how she managed to survive and offers some “inside Zoomba” info that just might have men wanting to join the class. (And it has nothing to do with getting in shape). 

My exercise of choice these days has been swimming and I tell you a story involving me and twenty-five women in a pool. Plus Gail explains how I’ve apparently misunderstood the philosophy behind a trendy new diet.  

We also cover everything from Jackie’s son Charlie’s music concert to Anthony Weiner. (Actually, I wish someone would “cover” Anthony Weiner!) 

So usher out the end of June by tuning in to Podcast #83. It’ll even help you burn a few calories! (Or not.)

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here Monday to begin my Birthday Month Festival!


Purtan Podcast #84  (34:12)
