Welcome to the weekend and to our Jewish friends a special welcome as they observe the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, tonight at sunset.
In today’s brand new Podcast (#93) my wife Gail, my daughter Jackie and I sit around the dining room table and take on three big current events:
#1: Vladimir Putin’s op-ed piece in the NY Times dissing the U.S. and the President’s foreign policy regarding Syria. I offer up a few of my own ideas on how to settle the situation. (I’m no Henry Kissenger, but you really should consider my plans which involve the use of Obamacare, a shark cage, the U.S. and Russian foreign ministers, and Ben Affleck).
#2: Anthony Weiner aka “Carlos Danger” and his loss in the NYC Mayoral Election.
And #3: E-Cigarettes (something many women end up smoking after getting tweets from Anthony!)
That and lots more in my new Podcast!
Have a great weekend, stay warm, and I’ll see you back here Monday with my regular blog…
Purtan Podcast #93 (28:45)