RIP...William Clay Ford, Sr. who passed away Sunday night at the age of 88. Ford owned the Detroit Lions for 50 years and the team never gave him a Championship. 


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Thanks for all the Facebook comments and emails about the picture of me with my new "Hip" goatee-mustache-and-just-rolled-out-of-bed-hair that we posted last Friday. Most of you seem to like the "new look" but to be honest I wasn't that crazy about it (and neither was my wife). So I combed my hair, snapped  a pic with the goat-stache for "Pos-Hairity" and shaved it off. All that remains now is my usual mustache...So I'm back to almost full facial nudity and off the terrorist lookalike list. Oh was fun while it lasted! 


55-year-old Prince dazzled a crowd of about 1000 people over the weekend with a 3 hour and 45 minute concert. But before starting, he asked the crowd to put away their cell phones saying "You can't get down with technology in your hand". 

- Basically, he just wanted people to go back to partying like it was 1999. 


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford told his Twitter followers to set their clocks back an hour over the weekend instead of setting them ahead like they were supposed to. 

- It makes sense...he spends every Saturday night "Falling Back". Or just plain falling down. 

- In his defense, he said it was an honest mistake and, oh yeah, he was incredibly intoxicated at the time.


North Korean Election Officials announced that Kim Jong Un received 100% of the vote in the recent election there. Amazingly, his father Kim Jong Ill had the same election results. 

- I guess some things just run in the family. 

- He thanked his staff and then to celebrate, he killed two uncles, three cousins and a couple of old girlfriends. 


A study by TiqIQ found that the Rolling Stones have the highest average ticket price at $624. 

- Once again, young people are being asked to pay for the staggering health care costs of the elderly. 


Have a great day...enjoy the extra hour of daylight...and I'll see you back here Tuesday! 


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