The World Series starts tomorrow, with two teams who haven't won in a long while. The last World Series win for the Cubs was 108 years ago, the last win for the Indians was 70 years ago.
- Bottom line: The Lions still aren't going to make it to the Super Bowl.
A 2008 video has surfaced in which President Obama warned his supporters that the Presidential election "could be Rigged by corrupt politicians in Washington".
- So apparently Melania isn't the only Trump who plagiarizes speeches from the Obama's.
More leaked emails show that reporters for the NY Times and CNBC actively worked to promote Hillary, with one even emailing the campaign saying he'd submit his articles to the campaign "for their approval" before publication.
- Apparently the First Amendment guarantees "A Press That's Free To Be Completely Biased".
The Donald told supporters that he will "Drain the Swamp" in Washington D.C., and create a new Government of the people, by the people and for the people.
- Between ditch draining and wall building... Trump can always go back into the Construction Business if this Presidential thing doesn't work out.
Sweden's Nobel Prize Academy says they have yet to hear from Bob Dylan since he won the Prize for Literature.
- The head of the Academy even left Bob a voice mail saying, "Hey Mr. Tamborine Man... return a call from me. I'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm goin' to".
Kim Kardashian Halloween costumes are a big seller this year.
- Actually they're Pirate costumes, but with room for more booty.
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday!