The Presidential Election is exactly two weeks from today.
- So... "Our Long, National Nightmare... Hasn't Even Started Yet".
As proof... Turns out one of Hillary Clinton's closest advisors, Terry McCauliffe, made a $675,000 donation to the election campaign of the WIFE of the FBI official who LED the probe into Hillary's email scandal.
- Apparently "FBI" stands for "Federal Bureau of I Can Make Sure Hillary Doesn't Get Indicted!".
Meanwhile another woman is claiming that year's ago, Donald Trump grabbed her by the arm without her permission.
- If that's sexual harassment... the "Guess Your Weight" guy at Cedar Point is in big trouble.
A Federal Judge in Michigan has lifted the ban of taking selfies with your ballot on Election Day.
- So now you can post that pic on Facebook and get Unfriended by all the people who disagree with who you voted for.
A Yahoo survey found that 40% of NFL Fans have stopped watching the games because of Colin Kaepernick's National Anthem protests.
- NFL officials say they won't stand for this kind of thing.
The White House has admitted that under Obamacare, health care premiums for tens of millions of Americans will double or even triple next year.
- So if you're going to have a heart attack after hearing the news, it'd be cheaper to have it now.
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Wednesday!