Rocker Bono told Congress that America should send Amy Schumer and Chris Rock to the Middle East so they can use their comedy to stop ISIS. 

- Here's an idea... Why doesn't Bono head over there and do a concert first? 

- Amy and Chris are against the idea and are encouraging people to tweet Bono: #Comedianslivesmatter. 

- You gotta love a celebrity who's willing to put other celebrities lives on the line in the name of world peace. 


Bernie Sanders says tonight's Democratic Debate against Hillary Clinton will be like nothing his supporters have ever seen before. 

- Sounds like somebody's gonna wear a skirt...and it won't be Hillary!


Meanwhile, longtime Hillary supporter Cher says she may switch her allegiance and vote for Bernie. 

- She identifies more with Bernie since Hillary is alway in a limo and neither she nor Bernie can drive at night. 


Harrison Ford's leather jacket from Star Wars was bought by a guy at auction for $191,000. 

- His girlfriend was speechless. Then again, she doesn't talk much... she's made of plastic and filled with air. 


A new report found that the Clinton Foundation paid it's male executives 38% more than it's female execs. 

- But if you average in how much Hillary gets paid for giving a speech, women actually come out ahead by 25%. 


Elton John is in talks to star in the sequel to "The Kingsman" - a spy thriller film.

- Elton will play an undercover agent disguised in a giant duck suit.


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday!
