Jackie on her Birthday a few years ago...

Happy Birthday to Jackie! She is not only Daughter #2, but works with me on the blog everyday. Tonight Gail and I will take her, along with her son Charlie,  out to eat at her favorite restaurant... T.G.I.Thursdays!


A naked person took over Times Square for an hour this morning, jumping up on a 16' tall platform, doing a chicken dance, and shouting "Donald Trump...Where Are You???" 

- Hillary will do anything to get media coverage these days. 


Meanwhile, Hillary says she knows she needs to work on her trustworthiness. 

- And if we can't trust a self-admitted untrustworthy person to work on their trustworthiness, who can we trust?


A study by the Journal of Female Health Sciences found that American women have the biggest breasts in the world. 

- And the second biggest breasts belong to the men at Cedar Point. 


The University of North Carolina released a list of the newest "micro-aggressions" that can't be said on campus. For example, you can no longer say "Nice shoes" because it implies you value the person's looks over their intellectual contributions. 

- At this rate, it's apparent our college students aren't going to be making any "intellectual contributions" anytime soon. 

- What's next? You can't say "Go Team!" at sporting events because it implies the players are here illegally and need to be deported back to their hometowns? 


News reports say Taylor Swift's new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston is only dating her to raise his profile so he can land the James Bond role. 

- Taylor will reportedly sing the theme song: "The Spy Who Loved Me... But Only For A Month And A Half Before Dumping Me Like Every Other Guy On The Planet". 


BREAKING NEWS... Shocking new photos appear to show that Kim Kardashian is wearing butt pads. 

- Apparently we all thought her butt was a Whopper but it's really only a Whopper Jr. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday!
