Beyonce and Jay-Z announced that they’ve “severed all ties” with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for supporting Donald Trump.

- This is the most shocking break-up since the Tigers’ Mario Impemba and Rod Allen.


Anthony Weiner will be released from prison next May - 3 months early - for being a “Model Prisoner”.

- Weiner says he’ll write a book about his time in prison… It’ll be a Pop-up Book.


Frontier Airlines passengers were up in arms after a woman delayed a flight by bringing an “Emotional Support Squirrel” onboard.

- The passengers didn’t mind having the squirrel on board, it’s just that he ate all the bags of nuts.


In other Squirrel news… Minnesota police were amazed when they found a man by the side of the road giving CPR to a Squirrel he’d accidentally hit with this car.

- The squirrel survived… and even HE thought the guy was nuts.


A Gekko being treated at an animal hospital in Hawaii somehow used his little feet to call dozens of people on one of the vet’s cell phones.

- He was trying to get people to spend 15 minutes to save HUNDREDS on their car insurance.


According to “laundry experts” on the internet - the easiest away to de-wrinkle clothes is to toss them in the dryer with a few ice cubes.

- Men who try this may experience some shrinkage.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
