Hopefully March will go out like a Lamb, because with up to 6" of snow expected, it's coming in like a Lion.
- Not a Detroit Lion... more like the kind you see at the Zoo.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Prez Trump now refers to Attorney General Jeff Sessions as “Mr. Magoo” -- the bumbling elderly cartoon character.
- To be fair, most of America refer to Trump as "Tweety".
Patriots Owner Robert Kraft, 76, says he's "thrilled" that his 38 year old girlfriend gave birth but denies that he's the father.
- She had a baby with another guy? I think by "thrilled" he meant "deflated", not exactly a new word around the Patriots' locker room.
According to a new study, young kids - who play with tablets and phones instead of blocks and Legos, are having a hard time holding onto pencils when they start school.
- It's good news for the teachers, cuz when the kids bring them an Apple... it's a laptop!
Alec Baldwin says that every time he impersonates President Trump on Saturday Night Live it's "Agony... pure agony".
- Which are the very same words viewers use to describe WATCHING him beat the same dead horse every Saturday night.
74 year old Keith Richards claims he doesn't do drugs anymore because they're "Bland".
- He hasn't given up ALL drugs. He's still taking Lipitor and Viagra.
Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday!