It’s National Sesame Street Day! Sesame Street premiered on PBS on this day in 1969.
- And the tradition of watching two angry old white guys argue on TV continues to this day.
President Elect Joe Biden confirmed the members of his Coronavirus task force Monday which is made up mostly of doctors.
- Among them: Dr. Ruth, Dr. Seuss, and Dr. Zhivago.
With Pzifer’s announcement that they have a COVID Vacine, stock in Video-Meeting giant “ZOOM” fell dramatically because theoretically people will be able to go back to in-person meetings.
- So if you still want to see people talking in boxes like on ZOOM, you’ll have to watch reruns of Hollywood Squares on the BUZZR Channel. (One of my favorite Channels).
On Monday’s episode of “The View”, Whoopi Goldberg angrily told Trump supporters to “Suck it up Like WE sucked it up”.
- So… Apparently the Impeachment Hearings of Prez-Elect Biden are about to begin!!!
A new compilation of hundreds of studies further confirmed that people who regularly eat spicy foods including Chili Peppers and Hot Sauce have a lower risk of dying early.
- With heartburn to beat the band, they’ll just WISH they were dead.
George Stephanopolous is said to be actively trying to get the Jeopardy! job after the death of Alex Trebek.
- I’m not feeling too good about George’s chances… He’s only 5’ 5” and I believe the Rule is: “You Must Be at Least as Tall as the Podium” to be the host.
Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Wednesday!