
It’s Cyber Monday! The day set aside to get everything you forgot to buy on “Black Friday”… and “Small Business Saturday… and the day before “Tapped Out Tuesday”.


Over the weekend, a Kazakhstani bodybuilder married his sex doll “Margo” after a whirlwind romance.

- She’s not the first bride to walk down the aisle with fake boobs.

- If you want to get ‘em a gift, they’re registered at “Bed, Bath & Batteries”.


Health officials now say if you traveled for Thanksgiving and spent the holiday with family, you should “Assume that you have the Virus”.

- Merry Christmas!


President-Elect Biden slipped while playing with his pet German Sheppard “Major” over the weekend and suffered hairline fractures in his foot. Meanwhile, Joe and Jill announced they’ll be getting a Cat while they’re in the White House.

- For some reason this reminded me of when Bill Clinton was running for a second term and Hillary announced that they were thinking about ADOPTING A BABY. (Sure… Uh huh) Maybe I have that wrong… Maybe they were talking about adopting a “Babe”.


Critics pointed out that Prez. Trump was the first President in a generation who didn’t have ANY Pets in the White House.

- He didn’t need any Pets since the Dems had him in the Dog House for the last 4 years.


Biden made history by announcing his “Communication Team” that is made up of 100% women.

- But they were unable to come to the announcement ceremony because he couldn’t get ‘em off the phone.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!
