Former Gov of Illinois Rod “Blago” Blagojevich, who was convicted for attempting to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, says he’s that since Trump released him from prison after 8 years, he’s now “A Trumpocrat!”.

- Trump and Blago say they see eye to eye on two things: Being wrongfully convicted and the importance of good hair care products.


Meanwhile, Kwame Kilpatrick’s attorney says he hasn’t heard a word from the White House as to whether or not Trump will let the Kwamenator out of prison.

- He said Kwame is so nervous he reversed the letters on three license plates at work this morning.


Mike Bloomberg is taking heat from middle America for saying that tech jobs are hard, but he could “Teach anybody how to farm”. 

- Apparently Mike isn’t familiar with the song from the musical “Oklahoma”, “Oh the Billionaire and the Farmer Should Be Friends!”


The betting odds for Bloomberg getting the Democratic Nomination have soared since he floated the idea of Hillary Clinton as his Vice President. 

- The plan is to have Mike elected on November 3rd… then President Hillary will deliver his eulogy on November 7th. 


Elizabeth Warren said it’s a shame the “Egomaniac Billionaire” can buy his way into the election.

- Isn’t Liz a MILLIONAIRE? Me think she speak with forked tongue.


Al Pacino’s 40 year old now-ex-girlfriend says she broke up with the 79 year old because “He’s already elderly, it’s hard to be with such and old man. and he didn’t like to spend money”.

- With emphasis on the “Didn’t like to spend money” part.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
