Reseachers at a hospital in the Bronx, say men are more adversely affected by the Coronavirus because it hangs out in their… um… “fellas”. 

- The new discovery is known as CAJONE-19. 


Disney may not reopen it’s theme parks until 2021 because “Social Distancing” might be safe - but fewer people in the parks wouldn’t be profitable.

- There will be Preventative measures… Snow White will make Sneezy sleep on the couch and there will be a strict “One Person Per Boat” limit in the “Tunnel of Love”.


A British survey found that 22% of men and 31% of women are finding their partner irritating during isolation… and 12% people stuck indoors with their partner were “re-evaluating” their future together.

- But enough about Bill and Hillary.


A company in Italy has installed a “Traffic Light System” to let workers know when they can and can’t use the bathroom.

- Red means it’s occupied… and Green means you’re good to go.

- The light turns Yellow every time a guy walks out carrying a newspaper.


Connecticut is using high tech drones to monitor people’s temps, detect sneezes and coughs, and monitor social-distancing from the sky.

-This is the most historic “Big Brother” to be in the sky since Orville watched Wilbur take a spin over Kitty Hawk.


To lighten the mood, a farm in Charlotte, NC is renting out “Mambo” - an 8-year-old miniature donkey - to appear in conference calls while people work from home.

- When I was in radio, we used to have a Jack Ass visit our meetings all the time. But instead of “Mambo” we called him “The Program Director”.


Dennis Rodman said that he hopes the unconfirmed report that North Korea’s “Supreme Leader” Kim Jong Un is in grave danger after undergoing heart surgery is 'just a rumor'.

- But just in case… Dennis says he’s already picked out a Dress for the funeral.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
