Due to financial hardships caused by the Pandemic, some Democrat lawmakers have proposed that the Government should buy ALL property and give tenants 10 years to pay their rent - interest free. And if they can’t pay at all, that’s okay too.

- This program is commonly known as… “Communism”.


Jane Fonda is the new spokesperson for “Uncle Bud’s” Hemp-based CBD hand sanitizer.

- The label says it will “Kill Bacteria that get on your hands from things like Cell Phones, Door Handles, and Viet Cong Anti-Aircraft Guns”.


A survey by the University of Florence in Italy found that 81% of couples do not intend to conceive a baby during the Coronavirus lockdowns.

- But they say they’re willing to keep trying.


Kamala Harris has emerged as the favorite to be Joe Biden’s VP.

- Meanwhile, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is still favored to be his TeePee.


Arkansas hosted the first “Socially Distanced Country Concert” last weekend, with people required to sit at least 6 feet apart”, had their temperatures taken, and wore masks at all times to avoid the Virus.

- Remember the good old days when the only things you could catch on the hill at Pine Knob were a Frisbee and a buzz from the smell of Pot??


A Louisiana Cop was arrested for coercing a woman into having sex with him to get out of a speeding ticket.

- 2 minutes later, the woman made a “Citizen’s Arrest” - claiming the Cop should have gotten the ticket for going faster than she did.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
