Adidas has terminated its partnership with Kanye “Ye” West over his anti-Semitic comments.

- Kanye says he found out he’d been dumped when he got a letter that said, “Hear Ye… Hear Ye… You’re Fired”.


Yesterday was “National Cartoonists Against Crime Day”… The day Cartoonists stood up against Crime by refusing to Draw their Guns!


A study of more than 13,000 over 50’s in the US found that parents who have at least one son experience faster mental decline than people who only have daughters.

- We raised six daughters and so far this morning I lost my keys and forgot where I put my phone. I guess if we’d had six sons… I wouldn’t even be able to find my house.


Federal data shows student test scores plunged in the U.S. as the COVID-19 school closures erased decades of academic progress — with math scores recording their LARGEST DECREASE EVER. How bad is it? 3 in 10 can’t even do basic division.

- Why… that’s 50%!


A recent survey of Gen Z (ages 12 to 26) found that their favorite restaurant is… Chick-fil-A.

And if the news about test scores is correct, that may be the only “A” they’re bringing home this year.


On a new Podcast, Snoop Dogg’s “Professional Joint Roller” revealed that the rapper smokes up to 150 Marijuana cigarettes A DAY - and says she’s rolled more than 450,000 joints for Snoop since 2016.

- So “Professional Joint Roller” is actually A JOB??

-I can hear it now… “What are you going to school for, Son?” “Well… I’m thinking about majoring in Joint Rolling with a Minor in Meth”.


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!
