According to a new report, the ongoing spread of bird flu will likely affect increase the price and lower the availability of turkeys this Thanksgiving.

- Now TURKEY’S are getting the FLU?? How soon til Fauci tells us we have to Mask the Birds??


In a new survey, 51% of Americans admitted they are too afraid to ask their doctor about a health condition or symptoms they’re experiencing.

- And “Wokeness” is making it even more confusing… Now we’ve got men who are afraid to ask their doctors if they’re pregnant.


When sheriff’s deputies showed up to serve an eviction notice to a Massachusetts woman, she put on a professional bee keepers outfit and unleashed several hives of bees on the officers. After a two hour “Swarm off”… the woman was taken into custody and charged with assaulting the officers.

- Proving my Grandmother right! “You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar… but it doesn’t work on Cops”. (I’ve always wondered how she knew that part about it not working on Cops…)

- It was the first time in Massachusetts Law Enforcement History that the SUSPECT conducted a Sting Operation after the cops put out an APBee. (Ba da Boom!)


A California man, known only as “Bud” was pulled over after a brief pursuit by police on suspicion of driving under the influence… on a HORSE. Cops said “Bud” was “galloping through traffic” and “initially refused to pull the horse over”. (True!)

- Police handed him a ticket, saying “This one’s for you, Bud”.

- They also questioned the horse, but he said he was “None the Wiser.”


A 23-year-old man in NYC pays $1,100 a month in rent to live in an apartment the size of an average parking spot.

I’m no financial planner, but why doesn’t he just kill two birds with one stone and Live in his Car??


Researchers at Boston University are denying claims that they "Created" a deadly new strain of COVID-19 with an "80% kill rate”… saying they are simply trying to learn how the virus works and that there is NO DANGER of the virus escaping into the human population.

- Where have we heard THAT before??


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!


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