A sequel to “Man of Steel,” a movie about Superman, is actively searching for screenwriters. (True)

- I’ll write the screenplay right now! First we change the name to “Men of STEAL”… The scene: San Francisco. There’s no dialogue, just footage of the “Smash & Grab” looters breaking into Jewelry stores with hammers in broad daylight. BUT… they MUST limit themselves to $950 worth of stolen goods or they’ll be HELL TO PAY — AN HOUR IN JAIL!!!!!!


Researchers at Boston University are denying claims that they "Created" a deadly new strain of COVID-19 with an "80% kill rate”… saying they are simply trying to learn how the virus works and that there is NO DANGER of the virus escaping into the human population.

- Where have we heard THAT before??


Passengers on a flight from Tampa to New Jersey’s Newark Airport began shrieking as the plane taxied to the gate when a garter snake slithered out from under one of the seats in Business Class. Police and Airport personnel removed the snake - which they determined was NOT poisonous.

- United issued an apologie to passengers...and charged the Snake for a Business Class seat.

- Apparently the Airline didn't buy the Snakes story that he DID pay and actually brought the Pilot on as his "Emotional Support Human".


A new study argues that "Algae Burgers" and other food created from marine aquaculture could feed the world and help save the planet at the same time.

- I don't care how "Special" the sauce is... I'm NOT eating, "Two all ALGAE patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a Sesame Seed Bun"!!


Meghan Markle quit her 2006 job as a briefcase girl on “Deal or No Deal” because she felt she was being, quote, “reduced to a bimbo.”

- I'm thinking Meghan would have been more comfortable on "Who Wants To MARRY a Millionaire?"


Japan’s oldest existing toilet, dating back hundreds of years, has been damaged after it was accidentally back into by a car driven by an employee of an organization... that PRESERVES CULTURAL RELICS.

- Don’t MOST PEOPLE use the toilet by backing into it??


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Thursday!


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