A 12-year-old football player with a tattoo and facial hair was crowned MVP of the 2022 Youth National Football Championships… But most say there’s no way he’s 12. His defenders say he's just "mature for his age".

- His wife and eight kids say he's twelve... so I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.


Happy Birthday to Dick Van Dyke who is 97 today!

- In the words of his late on-screen wife Mary Tyler Moore… “Oh Rob!!!”


Twitter CEO Elon Musk lost his title as the World's Richest Man to a French Billionaire after Musk's net worth fell $107 BILLION in the past year.

- Musk attributes the loss to three things: His $44 BILLION purchase of Twitter, a fall in the price of Tesla stock, and buying 93 Premium Grade Gas for his Rocket ship. (He may have to switch to 87 Grade).


Director James Cameron will be forced to miss the Hollywood premiere of his new movie, “Avatar: The Way of Water” due to testing positive for COVID-19.

- And I’ll be forced to miss it, too… because I wasn’t invited.


A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly hit his wife with a Christmas tree after she asked for help with making dinner. Police say they believe "alcohol may have been involved in the incident".

- Ya think?

- The woman posted bail for her husband... but said "So much for ‘Hamburger Helper’'".


A Colorado Zoo said a Baby Koala that was born recently has started to peek its head out from its mother's pouch... but we may not know the baby Koala’s sex for another six months.

- Does it really matter? The way things are going these day... even if it's a Boy Koala, chances are it's gonna "identify" as a Bi-Polar Bear by the time it can Hop on its own.


The NYC Police Department is looking for a man they say robbed a Wendy’s by threatening the cashier with a knife. But he didn't take any cash - instead he stuffed a bunch of cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets in his pants before taking off.

- He originally tried to shove a Frosty down his pants, but changed his mind, "Because of... you know... Shrinkage".


It’s National Cupcake Day! I’ve got to admit… I’ve always enjoyed ‘em! Especially when they’re homemade! “When they’re Real… They’re Spectacular!!!!” 😉… 👍🏻👍🏻


Have a great day and I’ll see you back here Friday!
